Home People Weddings Wedding – Dickinson & Houghton – Manvers Sports Club Members Wed

Wedding – Dickinson & Houghton – Manvers Sports Club Members Wed

November 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 25 November 1939

Manvers Sports Club Members Wed

Wedding gifts from two officers in his Army unit were among many received by Lance Bombardier James William Houghton, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Houghton, of Red Lodge, Pipewell, Kettering, who was married at Swinton Parish Church on Saturday to Miss Margaret Mary Dickinson, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dickinson, of 68, Rookery Road, Swinton.

The Rev. T. G. Rogers officiated. The hymns “The Voice that breathed o’er Eden” and “0 Perfect Love’ were sung at the ceremony, and the organist was Mr. A. Mawson.

Given away by her father, the bride wore a gown of white satin striped silk taffeta with long veil and wreath of orange blossom, and carried lilies. She was attended by Misses D. Dickinson (sister of the bride), D. Lowis, M. Lowis and M. Belk, who wore dresses of blue figured taffeta trimmed with pink, and pink figured taffeta trimmed with blue, with shoulder veil and sprays of flowers. They carried pink carnations and blue scabious.

Two younger attendants, Misses Patricia Fanshaw and Jay Sheldon were in pink figured taffeta and blue figured taffeta respectively, and carried pink anemones. The bridegroom’s gifts to the bridesmaids were bangles and dress rings. The best man was Mr. G. W. Shaw, and the groomsman, Mr. R. Belk. The bride’s mother attended in a navy blue crepe-de-Chine dress with spray of carnations.

The bridegroom was employed at Manvers Main Collieries, Ltd., until called up for Army Service with a Territorial unit. Both bride and bridegroom are prominent members of Manvers Main Sports Club. A reception was held by the bride’s parents at Dolcliffe Road Schoolroom, when a large number of guests were entertained. Among the many gifts were silver cake knives from Major P. H. Lloyd, a cheque from Lieut. J. M. Lloyd, and a cheque from Mr. G. Houghton, the bridegroom’s father