Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 03 February 1940
The marriage took place at Brampton Bierlow Parish Church last Thursday, the Rev. C. L. Suggitt officiating, of Eva Haines, youngest daughter of Miss W. Haines, and the late Mr. Mrs. Wm Haines, 123, High Street, West Melton, to Lane-Cpl. George Frost, of 39, Hollowgate Avenue, West Melton.
Given away by her brother, Mr. J. Haines, the bride wore a mulberry coat trimmed with fur and n….r brown accessories and carried rose Pink tulips. She was attended by her sister. Miss Doris Haines, who wore a navy blue two piece with a spray of anemones.
The best man was Mr. W. Jermy and Mr. Sidney Haines (nephew of the bride) was groomsman. A reception was held at the home of the bride.