Home Places Theatres West Melton Church Operetta

West Melton Church Operetta

April 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times, April 26, 1941

A successful production of the operetta “Princess Ju-Ju,” was given by members of West Melton Congregational Church last Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday, in aid of the new organ fund.

Messrs. A. Haley and M. PortalL made a really first-class job of the lights, and achieved beautiful effects with coloured lights on the bright oriental costumes made by the actors themselves.

Those taking part were: Miss E. Lightley (Princess Ju-Ju): Mrs. E. Stanger (Prince Shee-Maguin). Mr. M. Cooper (Emperor Hoki-Poki- Tippy-Top-Top), Mrs. B. Rowe (Fushu). Mrs. L. Barlow (Gobang), Mr. B. Lawrence (Ching Ching). Marjorie Barlow (La La), Miss G. Skelton (Fly Fly), Mr. A. Simms (Executioner). Mrs. Stephens (magician), and Miss Joan Barlow (Goddess of Night).

Dancers, who were trained by Miss Paschall, were Sheila Barlow, Una Stone. Barbara Smith. Doreen Dudley, Winifred Wydell. Gwen Varney. The chorus consisted of Mrs. Kirkham, Mrs. Skelton, Misses Edith and Jean Starling, Ida Spence and Barbara Smith, Messrs. H. Pilley, G. Paschall. B. Smalley. A. Simms, Geoffrey and Harry Rowe.

Wardrobe mistresses were Mrs. Cooper and Miss D. Paschall. and Mr. E. Stanger was musical director. Stage managers were Mr. George Pashall and Mr. H. Pilley.

The dancers, whose items had to be completely changed the night before the production owing to the illness of one of the children, gave a very creditable performance which was obviously appreciated by the large audience. The work of the producer. Mrs. W. Braithwaite, was visible in the confidence of the leading characters. My personal favourite was the deepvoiced Emperor, who not only executed his own role effectively, but lent moral support to less confident characters. The title role did not give Miss Lightly many chances to display her talent. The rest of the cast acquitted themselves very well, the chorus particularly contributing largely to the success of the production.

The Cast In Their Picturesque  Costumes