South Yorkshire Times, Friday, August 26, 1932
At Brampton Parish Church on Sunday Miss Alice Winder, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. H. Winder, Doncaster Road. Barnsley was married to Mr. Ernest Harrison, an officer of the Church Lads Brigade, and only son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Harrison, Brampton Road, West Melton.
The Rev. C. L. Suggitt officiated.
The bride was given away by her brother-in-law. Mr. George Bee, and wore peach crepe satin trimmed with lace, and carried vivant tea roses. She was attended by Aliases Dora Harrison, Cynthia Hooper and Marion Yates in blue floral georgette and carrying pink carnations. Mr. Alfred Binns was best man and Mr. H. Speight groomsman.
As the bride and bridegroom left the church buglers of the C.L.B. played the general salute and drummers made an arch of drumsticks. The bride’s mother wore black georgette trimmed with white lace and the bridegroom’s mother blue georgette trimmed with floral velvet.
Bride and bridegroom left for Scarborough.