Home People Celebrations Golden Wedding – Manvers Main Pensioner Feted

Golden Wedding – Manvers Main Pensioner Feted

April 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 04 April 1942

Golden Wedding

Manvers Main Pensioner Feted

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harget, of 4, Jubilee Cottages, Adwick-on- Dearne, must have been very happy on Sunday, the occasion of their golden wedding, for many were the friends who extended to them congratulations and best wishes.

With admirable sentiment, Mr. and Mrs. Harget had previously decided to attend morning service at Swinton Parish Church where, fifty years ago, they were married. Mr. Cecil Millwood, of Mexborough, from whom the suggestion for this visit came, generously conveyed them to and from church, and a large number of friends also expressed the wish to accompany the party.

Mr. and Mrs. Harget were guests of honour at a tea in the Adwick School, flower-decked for that purpose. Beside about thirty friends and relatives, Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Spence Lyne, who as Chief Welfare Officer at Manvers Main Collieries, Ltd., promoted this celebration, was also present. The Colliery Company was represented by Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Honeywill and Mr. W. Powley. In presenting Mr. and Mrs. Harget with a gold silk eiderdown on behalf of the Company. Admiral Spence Lyne said: “We have only to look at them to see how happy they have been together, that is because they have always been pals.” Referring to Mr. Harget, he said he had been a valued workman at Manvers Main for 51 years, and he had great pleasure in congratulating the couple on this happy occasion.

Then after proposing the toast of health to Mr. and Mrs. Harget, Admiral Spence Lyne led the musical honours accorded the couple, followed by three cheers in true naval style.

Returning thanks on behalf of Mrs. Harget and himself, Mr. Harget said they had been very happy to return to Swinton Church on their anniversary and were deeply moved by the gift from the Colliery Company, and that of a toast rack from their neighbours. He thanked them all for their kind expressions of goodwill.

A happy group at Sunday afternoon’s gathering, including (in front row) Admiral Sir Thomas Spence Lyne, Mrs. Harget and Mr. Harget.