Home Industry and Commerce Mining Threat of Strike at Coke Ovens

Threat of Strike at Coke Ovens

South Yorkshire times, September 3, 1960

Threat of Strike at Coke Ovens

Mr H. Littledike, secretary of the Manvers Main branch of the National Union of Municipal and General workers said on Wednesday that unless there were further developments in the meantime, all 600 men engaged at the Manvers Coke oven will cease work on Monday at 6 a.m. in accordance with the 21 days’ notice submitted by the branch.

On Tuesday a special branch meeting heard of proposals from the National Joint Council of the Coke industry for wage increase of two shillings.

The men’s claims is for a flat increase of five shillings. Members unanimously rejected the offer. Mr. Littledike said it was the first time there had been any trouble at the members plan, and relations with the management were excellent, but the men were determined to press their claim against the coal board. He had received news that 250 members of the Glass Houghton branch had given seven days’ notice. Work to finish also on Monday

The meeting reaffirmed the decision to stop work on Monday. Mr Littledike said a further representative offer of an increase had been made, he understood, but before any negotiations could be opened, men already on strike in Durham would have to resume work and the Manvers notices withdrawn, with regard to an N. C. B. Statement that other workers will be called upon to man the plant in the event of the stoppage, Mr. Littledike said this was to be expected as someone had to carry on the plant.