South Yorkshire Times, January 2, 1943
Wath Family’s War Record
Mr. and Mrs Claude Walker, of 29, Burman Road, Wath, have a record of which they are proud. They have two sons and a daughter in the Forces, while Mr. Walker and the youngest son, Maurice (16), are in the Home Guard.
The eldest son, Douglas (22), has been in the R.A.F. for four years and was in France at the beginning of the war.
Eric (21), is with the Rifle Brigade and was previously employed on the railway.
Enid (19), joined the N.A.A,F.I. in August, and formerly worked at a Mexborough shop.
Mr, Walker, who is a Company Sergeant-Major in the Rome Guard, works at Manvers Coke Ovens. With the exception of Douglas, who is a native of Norfolk, the sons and daughter were all born at Wath.