South Yorkshire Times January 8, 1949
Threat to Mausoleum By Housing Development
Ancient Quaker Tomb
May Be Disturbed In Road Widening
Wath Urban Council may have an awkward problem on their hands in developing plans to build more houses in the Newhill district. An ancient mausoleum belonging to an old Wath family — the Paynes—which is situated in Newhill Park, stands very close to the Council’s projected road widening scheme alongside Cemetery Road. Members of the Payne family are interred in the ancient building.
Extent Unknown
Mr. W. E. Haigh, Wath council Surveyor, told a “Times” reporter this week that the Council have obtained the sanction of the Ministry of Health to widen the road to fit in with their plans. They will also purchase Newhill Hall and the park. Mr. Haigh said he had drawn up a plan for widening the road on that side so tar without affecting the mausoleum, but he was not certain how the ausoleum is built or whether there are any vaults attached to it
” If it means that the mausoleum will have to be removed from its present site then we shall have to find out if anyone is buried there, I don’t know myself,” said Mr. Haigh.
Last Burial in 1902 ?
Last Burial in 1902?
Miss Muriel Payne, of Newhill Lodge, told our reporter that she knew of three members of her family who were buried in the mausoleum. As far as she knew there were no vaults attached to it. Miss Payne believes the last person to be buried in the mausoleum was her grandfather, Dr. Henry Payne, who was buried there in 1902. She also remembers two great aunts been buried there, but does not recall their names.
Our family are of the Quaker religion,” said Miss Payne, “and the mausoleum was built to bury our family.”
There are other members of family buried in the Barnsley Quaker burial ground.”
Miss Payne was unable to say how old the mausoleum was.
“I don’t suppose the Council will consider our feelings in the matter,” said Mr Payne when asked about the possibility of the removal of the old family tomb. She mentioned that only last week Mr Francis Payne, HH I, the last remaining member of Doctor Henry Payne’s family and died in Bournemouth.
Wath Council this year plan to build a further 128 houses on the Newhill estate.