Mexborough and Swinton Times June 7th, 1919
Plucky Rescue from Drowning At Wath
Girl Saves Boy from Drowning
On Monday evening at 6-30, a plucky rescue from drowning was witnessed near Ellen road, Wath.
Thos. Henry Wiper, the 4 ½ son of Mr. G. W. Wiper of 12. Ellen road, Wath, along with two other boys of the same age, named Gilbert Williams and George Hoyle, were playing on the canal bank.
Lizzie Wilson (aged 14) daughter of Mr. Sam Wilson, of 41, Avenue road, Wath was searching for her cousin Geo. Hoyle and seeing him on the canal bank with the other boys (who were all playmates) asked where Thomas Henry was.
The boy Gilbert Williams remarked that he was in the water. Immediately on bearing this the girl climbed the retaining wall of the towing path, and plunged into the canal without, divesting herself of any clothing, and rescued him with difficulty. He had “been up twice” according to the other boys.
He is a strong-built boy for his age, and struggled violently.
John Darwin, of Doncaster road, who lived almost directly opposite, seeing the struggle, climbed on the canal bank and assisted Lizzie Wilson in lifting the boy out. He was taken home and given a hot bath: and wrapped in blankets, and was out again on Tuesday, apparently none the worse for his immersion.
The parents of young Wiper were overjoyed at the girl’s rescue, and although they say they cannot do enough to reward her, they gave her some acknowledgment for restoring their child.
Lizzie Wilson is a member of the Life -Saving Class held at the Wath Baths, and although she only had three lessons she has gained valuable experience and been the means of preventing deep sorrow at least in one household. She is deserving of further recognition for her prompt and heroic action.