Home People Residents Family Of Five Is Bound For Lonely Island Home

Family Of Five Is Bound For Lonely Island Home

October 1969

South Yorkshire Times June 14, 1969

Family of Five is Bound For Lonely Island Home

Travelling abroad is nothing new for Mrs. Margaret Herstell, of Wath, Cyprus, Nairobi and France have been among her homes in recent years, but this week she has left with her husband and three children, for perhaps one of her loneliest homes — Ascension Island, with a population of only 100 people.

Mrs. Herstell’s husband. Mr. Ronald Herstell (29) has been in the Army for nine years, and he has now taken a job with the Cable and Wireless Company on Ascension Island. The latest project to be built on the island is the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration site, and the Cable and Wireless Cable and Wireless Earth Station is used for the transmission of messages through the satellite “Atlantic Fird” to supplement the N.A.S.A. contribution to the International TeleoommUnica-tions Satellite Consortium.

Only One Shop

Mrs. Herstell’s mother, Mrs. Ruth Fearn, of Saville Road, Wath, said her daughter knew something of the life on the island, as her husband had already stayed there for two months.

She knew for instance that there was only one shop and so she had to purchase enough clothes to fit her three children for two years, no easy task for growing children. She also knew there would be no hairdresser on the island, so she has gone prepared with a wig specially made to match her own hair.

The loneliness of the island has not deterred the family one little bit. “They were really excited, travelling is something they all enjoy and I don’t think Margaret will he worried by her new surroundings,” said Mrs. Fearn.

Mrs. Herstell was in the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps when she met her husband, who comes from Manchester.

Their two elder children, Stephen (seven) and Suzanne (five) were both born in Nairobi, and the youngest, Anthony (three) in Catterick. The family have been living in Wath for the past six Suzanne have been attending Wath Park Road Infants School.

In Georgetown, where the family are making their home, there is one shop, a cinema, a post office, a swimming pool, and long stretches of beach.