Home Places Streets and Communities Mexborough Montagu Cottage Hospital

Mexborough Montagu Cottage Hospital

February 1891

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 20 February 18

Mexborough Montagu Cottage Hospital

The Harlington and Barnburgh committee have decided to give a concert in the Board School by the kind permission of the Board. on the 9 th March, for the benefit of the hospital.

Mr. Harold Booth has paid over to Mr. Liversidge, £14 2s., the proceeds of the recent entertainment at Conisborough. and Mr. Thompson , of Conisborough, has handed £6 6s. to Mr. G. White, collected by Cadeby New Pit sinkers.

The Denaby cooperative Society have sent a cheque for £2 2s.

The report for the week ending February 19th is as follows:

Admitted during week, 5 discharged cured, 4: remaining in hospital 1.

Last week was, as usual, a busy one for this useful institution.

On Sunday evening, Mr. Thomas Fowler, of West Melton, was driving his wife through Denaby, when he was thrown on to the road and his arm was broken in two places. Mr. Soar, junr., of Denaby Main, a member of Dr. Syke’s ambulance class, skilfully attended to the Injury by way of first aid, and the poor fellow was removed to the hospital, where he was detained for a few days, but has now returned home and is progressing very satisfactory.

Yesterday morning (Thursday) as John Deakin, of 11, Firbeck Street, Conisborough, and George Machin, of Cadeby, were filling tubs with clay at the Cadeby New Brickyard, a large portion of clay weighing several tons fell upon them, and when extricated it was discovered that Deakin had his left knee dislocated backwards, and Machin, in addition to severe bruising, had his left shoulder dislocated. Dr. Twigg was at once summoned, and the sufferers were removed to the hospital, when their injuries were attended to by Drs. Twigg and Merrick.

During the last fortnight the ladies’ committee of the Montagu Cottage Hospital have commenced serving teas on Monday afternoons, in aid of a sale of work to furnish the new wing. The first tea was given on February 9th by Mrs. Sykes, the president of the ladies’ committee; the second on February 16th by Mrs. C. Schofield, of Hallgate, when on both occasions a large number of helpers sat down to tea.

The tea next Monday, February will be given by Mrs. John Marmon, who although not a member of the committee, takes the greatest interest in the hospital. The tea will be held at 4-90, the sewing meeting commencing at 2, the same afternoon. Any friend of the hospital will he welcome at both the sewing meeting and tea.

We are requested to state that Misses Waring, of Highwood Farm, Adwick (not Hill Top), have kindly promised to give a bed for the new wing of the above institution.