A Son of the People

May 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 4, 1907

Mr Harry Cutts

Mr Harry Cutts is a son of the people – and a son of Bolton on Dearne.

He was born in 1856 in the village he now represents on the magisterial bench.

He has worked at the Manvers Main and Wath Main collieries, but it is at the latter colliery that his worth as a defender of democratic interest has being recognised.

He was elected in 1900 to the position of checkweighman, or leader of the Wath Main miners, and since that time been Vice president of the Wath Main branch of the miners Association.

For many years Mr Cutts in his natural unassuming way, has taken a deep interest in public affairs; an interest which culminated in his election in 1904 at the head of the poll to the Urban District Council. Prior to that Harry had been connected with the Urban Councils predecessor, the Parish Council.

Mr Cutts, during the past three years, and serve the ratepayers well and truly, taking particular interest in the movements to obtain allotments and a recreation ground for the older and the younger generation. That anxiety “pro bono publico” was rewarded at the last election by the ratepayers in the Council recognising that its vice-chairman was of the right sort, promoted him.

He made his initial appearance on the bench on Saturday, and that appearance is to be the forerunner of many others, we understand.

Mr Cutts is of calm and peace loving nature, and nature which find satisfaction in the cultivation of the soil. The fruit of his labours may be seen in the summertime at the very flower show, and uncommonly good fruit it is, too.