Mexborough and Swinton Times December 7, 1928
Mr A.T. Thompson
Appointed a Director of Manvers Main
Mr. Arthur Thomas Thomson, who for over forty years has been associated with the Manvers Main Collieries, for the last twenty years as agent and general manager, has been appointed to a seat on the board of directors.
Mr. Thomson is the eldest son of the late Mr. J. F. Thomson, whom he succeeded as general manager. His father, a native of Durham, came to Manvers Main from Seaham Harbour, and was the first manager of the Manvers Main mines.
When he came to Wath his eldest son was an infant. Mr. Arthur Thomson was educated at the York Cathedral Choir School, at a Durham preparatory school, and at Bloxham, Oxford. His mining education was obtained at the Wath Mechanics’ Institute and the Sheffield Technical School, the forerunner of the Sheffield University. His practical training was obtained entirely at Manvers Main under his father, and he was set to learn every job in and around the mine. On the death of his father he succeeded him, and carried on and extended the tradition of efficiency, enterprise, and good will which has been so strong at these collieries and has entered so largely into their prosperity.
Like his father, he has always maintained the most cordial relations with the workmen, and throughout the career of this undertaking—now nearly seventy years old—there has been an excellent spirit between employers and employed. For this the qualities of tact and fairness which have distinguished Mr. Arthur Thomson and his father have been very largely responsible. Mr. Thomson’s promotion to the rank of director is as much appreciated by the workmen of the collieries as by anyone.
Mr. Thomson succeeds to the seat on the Board formerly occupied by the late Mr. C. E. Rhodes.