Home Crime Violence Assaulting a Landlord at Winterwell.

Assaulting a Landlord at Winterwell.

June 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 06 June 1902

Assaulting a Landlord at Winterwell.

Herbert Redfern, West Melton, and George Bullings of the same place, were charged with disorderly conduct and refusing to leave licensed premises owned by Mr. Law, of Winterwell. Afterwards the landlord was assaulted.

Defendants pleaded guilty.

Mr. Gichard, who appeared for the prosecution, on behalf of the Licensed Victuallers’ Association, stated the case. The men had been drinking, and suddenly turned round to Mr. Law and said ” We must have trouble with someone.” They knocked Mr. Law down, struck him in the face, and kicked him. Eventually they were got out of the house, but returned, and used very filthy language, Mr. Law then sent for the police.

Defendants said they were drunk and did not know what they were doing.

They were each fined 10s. and costs or 14 days, for disorderly conduct, and 40s and costs, or one month, for the assault.