South Yorkshire Times, January 27th 1951
“Borrowed” From Father
Conditional Discharge For Wath Man
Alwyn Hardwick (32), collier, of Burman Road, Wath, was given one month in which to repay £16 which he admitted stealing from his father when he appeared at Rotherham West Riding Court on Monday. He was discharged conditionally on payment of the £16, and sentenced to two months’ imprisonment in default. He was also fined 10s. for being drunk and disorderly.
Chief. Supt. J. L. Dunn, prosecuting, described Hardwick as “a very good worker indeed, but rather a heavy drinker and rather fond of gambling”
After a complaint had been made by defendant’s wife, a police officer called and found a table top was broken. Hardwick used abusive language and had to be arrested.
At the police station, Hardwick admitted stealing money from an iron box belonging to his 76-years-old father.
In court Hardwick said he only borrowed the money and offered to repay it.