Home Places Theatres Comic Opera at Wath

Comic Opera at Wath

February 1933

South Yorkshire Times February 3 1933

Comic Opera at Wath

Grouping for the Wath Amateur Operatic Society’s production of the comic opera, “Veronique,” to be formed next week at the Majestic stack Theatre, Wath.

Top left: MM Roustot (Mr Douglas Evans) and Mms. Couquenard  (Mrs M Davis)
Top centre: Couquenard  (Mr Percy Beevers) and Emerance (Mrs Taylor)
Top right: Florestan and (Mr T.J. L. Thomson) and Veronique (Miss Clegg)
Bottom left: Veronique (Miss Clegg) and Aunt Benoit (Mrs C Robson)
Bottom right: Denise (Miss E Atkinson) and Seraphim (Mr Walter Goddard)