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Doctor for Brampton

June 1951

South Yorkshire Times, June 16th, 1951

Doctor for Brampton

Brampton has achieved $ long-standing ambition in getting the services of a resident medical practitioner. He is Dr. R. W. Maxwell, of Carlisle, who has received the authority of the West RidingĀ  Executive Committee to move into the district.

With his wife and two children he has taken up residence at 24, Chapel Avenue, which is a Council house. It is understood that he has been doing medical work in the Nottingham district.

The appointment of a resident doctor for Brampton has been strongly urged by the Parish Council, who have pointed out that the district has a population of well over 3,000, composed mainly of mining families, and that, as a mining district, it is peculiarly susceptible to industrial casualty. Wombwell has a Dr. W. G. Maxwell, but the two are net related.