Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 06 February 1891
Drunkenness at West Melton & Swinton
John Noble, miner, of West Melton, was summoned for being drunk at West Melton, on the 17th January.
Police constable Oxley proved the caee.
A fine of 5s and costs was imposed.
George Henry Flint, of West Melton was ordered to pay a penalty of 5s and costs for having been drunk on the 17th inst.
P.c. Pickering was the officer in the care.
Drunk At Swinton
Samuel McKenzie, of Swinton, was fined 7s. 6d. and costs, on the evidence of Police-constable Hewitt, for hating been drunk at Swinton, on the 23rd ult.