Home People Accidents Inquest on An Infant At Wath.

Inquest on An Infant At Wath.

December 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times, December 12, 1902

Inquest on An Infant At Wath.

Mr. D. Wightman held an inquest at the Star Inn, Wath, on Tuesday, on the body of the baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. John Tom Ellis. The child was only two days old, but as no doctor had been in attendance an inquest was deemed necessary in order to obtain a medical certificate.

The father and mother of the child thought it was suffering from stomach ache, and had the child well wrapped up. The father took it out of bed and endeavoured to produce extra warmth by sitting with it near the fire; but the parents were utterly dismayed when they found out that the infant had ceased to breathe. It was a fine baby, and above the normal size.

Dr. Burman made a post-mortem examination, and found a clot of blood in the abdomen. The doctor had not had a similar case, but he had read of them.

On hearing the evidence of Dr. Burman, the jury returned a verdict to the effect “That the child had died from internal haemorrhage.” Mr. Wm. Stables was foreman of the jury.