Home Industry and Commerce Industrial Deaths Manvers Main Accident – One Dead: One in Hospital

Manvers Main Accident – One Dead: One in Hospital

September 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 06 September 1941

Manvers Main Accident

One Dead: One in Hospital

The Doncaster District Coroner will hold an inquest to-day on George Grainger (23), haulage hand, of 35. Ladycroft, Bolton-on-Dearne, who died after an accident at Manvers Main Colliery on Tuesday.

It is understood that Grainger received fatal injuries after tubs had collided with the haulage rope in the Melton Field seam, and Arthur Brown (22), of 82, Charles Street, Swinton, who was walking up the plane at the time also received head injuries.

Yesterday, Brown was stated to be ” still very ill, but comfortable.” at the Montagu Hospital.