Home Industry and Commerce Industrial Deaths Manvers Main Fatality – Miner Killed through a “Bump.”

Manvers Main Fatality – Miner Killed through a “Bump.”

July 1919

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 5, 1919

Manvers Main Fatality

Goldthorpe Miner Killed through a “Bump.”

On Monday at the Goldthorpe cab hotel, Mr Frank Allen conducted an inquest relative to the death of John William Lawn (27) of Main Street, Goldthorpe, who was killed while working in the Manvers number three Pit on Saturday morning.

There were present Mr Hudspeth (HM Inspector of Mines), Mr J Bell, manager of the Manvers Main Colliery, and Mr J Vaughan representing the Y.M.A.

Florence Agnes Lawn, widow of deceased, said her husband had left home at 4:30 AM on Saturday, and was brought home dead in the afternoon.

Wilfred Stacey, miner of 163, Wath Road, Swinton, said he and deceased were working on the day of the accident in the Parkgate seam. About 10:30 AM deceased was removing some dirt after accepting a piece of coal when a “bump” occurred, blowing out another piece of coal about £100 in weight, which struck the deceased. Witness immediately went to his assistance and sent for help. Deceased was removed to the pit bottom, but died a few minutes later.

Corroborative evidence was given by Arthur Millthorpe, of Pack View, Highwoods Road, Mexborough, who was also working alongside deceased. He testified to the fact that the coal face had sounded and tested just previous to the accident and everything seemed quite safe.       He could work in the same place again, under the same circumstances, without any fear of danger.

Henry Birch, deputy-in-charge of the district, also gave evidence.

It was stated by one of the jury men that the Manvers main ambulance came into Goldthorpe and stopped in front of the Empire to ascertain if anyone knew where the deceased resided. He said it reminded him of a man “selling cabbages, or removing furniture, or something.”

Something should be done to prevent a recurrence of any such regrettable thing.

Mr J Bell, manager of the colliery explain how this circumstance arose. The man Lawn had signed papers at the colliery with an address at Manvers. When the ambulance drew up at this certain house there was no one at home. However, they were informed that his home was at Bolton or Goldthorpe, and therefore the ambulance proceeded to Goldthorpe. They experienced considerable difficulty in ascertaining his exact address.

The Manager, in expressing sympathy with the widow said that although deceased had only been an employee of the Colliery Co. for four days he had shown his ability as a workman.

The Coroner and Mr J Vaughan also expressed sympathy with the bereaved family.

A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.