Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – August 19th, 1932

Marconigrams – August 19th, 1932

August 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 August 1932


Mr. Charles Hanmer is already at work on another industrial film.

Another 200 men and boys have been dismissed at Hickleton Main.

The Kilnhurst Co-operative Society has reduced the rate of interest on share capital to 4 per cent.

Work has been resumed this week at Darfield Main Colliery, where nearly a thousand men were thrown out a month ago.

The Yorkshire Mine Workers’ Association have excused payment of contributions to 14,889 members and granted unemployment benefit to 1,081 boys under 16 ½  years old.

Mr. Herbert Smith, president of the Yorkshire Mine Workers’ Association, complains that in the face of the prevailing unemployment in the Yorkshire coalfield, miners are still working overtime.

The Mexborough Military Band will give a high class concert in the Castle Hill grounds next Sunday evening, at 7.30 p.m.