Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – December 02, 1911

Marconigrams – December 02, 1911

December 1911

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 02 December 1911


Miss Montague will shortly take up residence at Park Royd, Park Road, Mexborough.

The Archbishop of York has contributed £5 to the Conisbrough Church Restoration Fund.

The Queen’s Picture Hall at Swinton, in connection with which considerable alterations are contemplated, is being floated as a private Limited Liability Company, and for which capital is now being privately invited.

Wath Wesleyan Sunday School will celebrate its centenary next week.

Today (Saturday) the annual collection will be made at Mexborough on behalf of Doctor Barnardo’s Homes.

The Shop Assistants Association hold a novelty whist drive and dance in the West Street Hall, Mexborough on Thursday next. The prizes are on view in Messrs Foster Bros window, High Street.

We regret to learn that Mr T.W.Ireland, headmaster of the Mexborough and District secondary school, is suffering from an acute attack of lumbago.

On Sunday a mass meeting of the railwaymen in the Mexborough district will be held at the Empire Palace, Mexborough.

An important sale of Goldthorpe property will take place on Monday night.

Considerable structural alterations are contemplated at the Commercial Hotel, Mexborough, when the change of proprietor takes place. The name of the new landlord has not yet been divulged.

Barnburgh has lost another benefactor by the death of Mrs Hartop, formerly of Barnburgh Hall.

Councillor Elsbury made some strong statements at Bolton Council meeting on Tuesday night concerning some property at Goldthorpe.

Two well-known Wath ladies, both of whom spent most of the years at Wath, and died this week. We refer to Mrs Berkitt Nicholson of Burlington House and Mrs Firth of Fitzwilliam Street.

Wath’s motor fire engine, “Queen Mary” turned out on Saturday to a fire on the premises of Mr Shackleton, decorator, West Melton.

Mr H.M. Read, Midland stationmaster, Wath, left on Thursday to take up similar duties at Clay Cross

A Rawmarsh man named William Mearns, was literally “buried alive” at Wath Main Colliery on Monday.

At their meeting on Wednesday, the Swinton Council decided to undertake themselves the scavenging of the township.

The question of laying out the market was mentioned, the subject was again referred back, and it is apparent that nothing can be done in the matter for some little time.

In the meantime the market, which is so often flooded, is entirely unprotected, and dozens of children spend their school hours wearing soap shoes and stockings.

Strong comments were made at Swinton Council on Wednesday concerning the electric lighting of the township, and the Tramways Company will have to considerably improve matters in this direction is they wish to maintain the contract of the Council.

The December issue of the Mexborough Parish Magazine completes the 35th year of its publication.

A number of local sportsmen and a good day shooting at Wombwell Wood on Wednesday, where the weather was perfectly clear.

The Mexborough Congregational anniversary services are to be held on Sunday, when Miss Ida Bloor, the well-known soprano, sings at both afternoon and evening services.

The next lecture of the Mexborough Congregational Literary Society on Tuesday evening, December 5. “The Scope of Philosophy” been subject, and the lecture is the Rev E Thackery, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. of Leeds.

Major Hutchings (Hickleton Main), Mr W Hague (Manvers Main), and several other representative of local collieries, were present at the funeral of Mr Jonathan Longbottom at Worsbrough on Monday.