Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – July 7th, 1951

Marconigrams – July 7th, 1951

July 1951

South Yorkshire Times, July 7, 1951


The 29th anniversary of Cadeby Main Colliery Disaster occurs on Monday.

Mr James Madin, re-elected secretary of Cadeby Main N.U.M. branch is now in his 23rd year in that office.

Mexborough Festival of Britain Entertainments Week will be opened on July 28th by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr Tom Williams, M.P. for Don Valley.

About 24 Sunday schools with a membership of nearly 4,000 children in Wombwell area, are supporting a petition urging local organisations to avoid having seaside outings on Sundays.

The annual meeting of the County Scout Council of South Yorkshire will be held at the Welfare Hall, Thorncliffe, next Thursday.

Five school welfare officers will be on the look-out for farmers in the Don Valley employing school children, when pea picking begins shortly.

A 31-year-old Darfield sailor, Chief Engine Room Artificer Arthur Hall R.N. of Queen Street has been awarded the R.E.M. for “outstanding zeal and devotion to duty.”

Mr Tom Smith N.C.B. North-East Division Labour Director, told miner-anglers at the annual match prize-giving at Mexborough on Saturday that he was trying to foster a national angling competition.

A 31-year-old Darfield sailor, Chief Engine Room Artificer Arthur Hall R.N. of Queen Street, has been awarded the R.E.M. for “outstanding zeal and devotion to duty.”

Dearne Urban Council has rescinded their resolution relating to the compulsory retirement of Council employees on reaching the age of 65.

Mr N. R. Tempest, Director of the Institute of Education attached to Sheffield University is to be the principal guest at Wath Grammar School Speech Day on July 11th. Mrs. Tempest has agreed to distribute prizes.

Newcomers to Doncaster Rovers’ Supporters’ Club – membership 7,000 – may not be able to sport club badges and date bars because of the metal shortage. Mr J.C. Morris, Supporters Secretary, says badges will be “next to impossible to get in the future.”

Mr. Arthur Charlton (52) who was elected secretary of Wombwell Main N.U.M. branch three weeks ago, has died in hospital, following an operation. He defeated Alderman J. W. Mellor for the secretaryship after the latter had held the office without a break for 35 years.

Youth clubs and A.T.C. cadets within an, eight-mile radius of Goldthorpe — including Doncaster, Barnsley and Rotherham—are invited to enter teams in a youth relay race to be run at Dearne Athletic Club’s ground on July 20th.

The Minister of Agriculture, the Rt. Hon. Tom Williams, M.P. for Don Valley, on Monday received the honorary Doctorate of Law of Cambridge University. Another recipient was the Princess Royal. Mr. Williams, one time pit lad in the Dearne area, was once a checkweighman at Barnburgh Main Colliery.