Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 07 June 1941
Flag days for Mexborough Comforts Fund last week-end realised over £6O.
Mexborough has received visits from the British Railway Queen twice within the last two years.
Alexandra Roses will be sold on Friday and Saturday throughout the area for the funds of the Montagu Hospital.
It is expected that the Railwaymen’s Gala at Mexborough on Whit-Monday will realise £200 for the funds of the Hospital.
Directors of Manvers Main Collieries, Ltd., have given £500 to the Montagu Hospital as their contribution for the half-year ending June 30th, an increase of £100.
Mr. John Siddall, of Wath Road, Mexborough, who retired from the West Riding County Council last March after 21 years’ service, died on Sunday at the age of 82. ”
The Man With the Cap,” a biography of the late Mr. Herbert Smith, Yorkshire miners leader, is to be published next week. The author is Mr. Jack Lawson, M.P. for Chester-le- Street.
Mr. E. B. Dobson, a former member of the editorial staff of this paper, who joined the Army as a private at the beginning of the war, has recently received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant.