Message From Burma

September 1944

South Yorkshire Times, September 2nd 1944

Message From Burma

Over the air on Sunday came greetings from Burma to Mrs. W. H. Wadsworth, of 25, Beech Road, Wath, from her son, L/Cpl. William Wadsworth, who is serving there with the York and Lancaster Regt.

It was a cheery message, in which L/Cpl. Wadsworth hoped that his mother was well again and said that he was fit and as happy as could be expected.  “Am receiving your mail all right.  Hope it won’t be long begore we are back,” he continued. “My regards to all at home. Cheerio. God bless.”

L/Cpl. Wadsworth who celebrated his 30th birthday last week, went to Burma from India, where he was drafted over two years ago. He has been in the Forces for more than four years and previously worked in the offices at Manvers Main Colliery.

A keen sportsman, he played cricket for Manvers, and since being in the Forces has been a member of his company headquarters football team.  He is a member of Gore Hill Methodist Church, being secretary for the Sunday School.

Mrs, Wadsworth has another soldier son, L/Cpl. Tom Wadsworth, who is a prisoner of war in Germany.