Home Industry and Commerce Mining Mining Intelligence – Colliery Operations in the Mexborough District

Mining Intelligence – Colliery Operations in the Mexborough District

September 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 23 September 1892

Mining Intelligence

Colliery Operations in the Mexborough District

The progress that has of late been made in local industries cannot surely have escaped the notice of the most casual observer. Needless to remark, the development of the mining industry has been most manifest. One effect of this development has been to raise the importance of the district, making it perhaps the chief one for mining operations in Yorkshire.

Another effect, which comes as it natural sequence is seen and felt in the progress other local industries The building trade bears recognition of this fact. When it is pointed out that the population of Mexborough is nearly seven times greater than it was half a century ago—which fact necessarily implies that there must have been a corresponding increase in housing accommodation —the phenomenal growth of the town is at once obvious.

Within a radius of three miles there are 110,000 residents, most of whom may be said to be directly or indirectly concerned in the mining industry. Of course, employment for the major portion of the men is found at Denaby Main, Manvers Main, Wath Main, and Thrybergh Hall collieries. Happily there are certain indications of increased prosperity of trade. Three indications are afforded by the improvements and extensions that are being made round about.

At Cadeby a new shaft is being sunk by the Denaby Main Colliery Company, who have mineral property under lease extending from Swinton to Doncaster, and comprising an area of 7,000 acres. As we have previously pointed out the operations in connection with the new Cadeby shaft are being rapidly pushed forward, and it is expected that coal will be “tapped” early next year. The difficulties that have had to be encountered in sinking have at times seemed insuperable, but by the energy, perseverance, and determination and expense which have been brought to bear, it is believed that the worst have now been overcome.

The most modern plant and machinery have been laid down, and extensive sidings have been connected with the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire railway. The new shaft will be about a mile and a quarter distant from Denaby Main. Sinking operations are carried on during the night by means of the electric light.

This week sinking operations have been commenced at Hickleton Main New Colliery. Extensive Preparations have been made, both in the way of machinery, plant. etc., and in the form of accommodation for the workmen. The promoters expect that it will take two years to reach the coal, which is under the estates of Lord Halifax and Mr. J. E. Taylor.

With a view to meeting the increased demand for railway service, a new junction line is to be constructed from the Denaby Main Colliery Company’s concerns to Wrangbrook, in order that access may be gained to the Hall and Barnsley lines. Operations will he commenced in about a month. The line is to be between eleven and twelve miles in length, and its construction is to cost £210,000. It will provide an easy outlet for the heavy traffic anticipated at Cadeby for Hull. The contract has been let, and the work has to be completed within two years of the commencement. These improvements all mean that capitalists are recognising the industrial importance of the district, and are not afraid of displaying their enterprise in new ventures. Their prosperity manna prosperity to miners, to builders, prosperity to the district generally, and for this reason it is to be hoped that their enterprise will meet with the reward it seeks.