Home Industry and Commerce Mining Mottying at Wath.

Mottying at Wath.

January 1928

Mexborough and Swinton Times January 6, 1928

Mottying at Wath.

Case at Rotherham Court.

Samuel Holmes, a miner, of Ingsfield Road, Bolton-on-Deanne, was summoned at Rotherham West Riding Police Court on Monday for having obtained 1is. 6d. on Dec. 5th by false pretences at Wath Main Colliery from David Kemp, a miner, of Albert Road, West Melton. There was a further charge of attempting to obtain 3s. by the same means from David Kemp on. December 6th.

Defendant pleaded guilty to both charges and was fined £3 and £3 costs. He was given six weeks in which to pay. In default he was to go to prison for six weeks.

Mr. A. H. Jackson, prosecuting on behalf of the, Yorkshire Miners’ Association, Wath Branch, said that defendant worked in stall number 220, which was next to David Kemp’s stall of 212. The workmen in Kemp’s stall were suspicions of a leakage of money from their stall at week-ends. On December 5th they left two full tubs at the end of their stall. They told the haulage hand what they had done. The next day, December 6th, they left five full tubs at the end of their stall.

On the first occasion one of the two tubs was marked by defendant to the effect that he had got it and he drew the 1s. 6d. for it. He marked two of the others and would have obtained 3s. if they- had been allowed ‘ to pass. This was a case of mottying.

Defendant had appeared before the Wath Y.M.A. Committee, and they had decided to bring him before the magistrates. Defendant told the committee he was sorry and said he did not know what he did it for. He asked for leniency.

Defendant, in court, pleaded for leniency he said be had a wife and four children.

Mr. J. S. CoIton Fox (chairman) said the’ case was one of the worst which came before the court, for it was one of robbing fellow-workmen. It was not righto hush the case up; it deserved publicity