Home Places Streets and Communities Policeman’s Plucky Dive.

Policeman’s Plucky Dive.

April 1939

South Yorkshire Times, April 7th, 1939.


A 28 Year Old Police-officer who 14 years ago had the reputation of being the best boy swimmer in Wath and District las Thursday dived 20 feet into the Manchester ship canal at night and rescued a special constable. He is P.C John Jeavons, a onetime scholar of Brampton Ellis School and a member of a well-known Wath and West Melton family. P.C. Jeavons, who four years ago joined the Eccles force after leaving the Army, was on duty in uniform guarding Barton Bridge against I.R.A terrorists. A special constable names Battersby while making his round had to investigate a narrow footway at the side of a bridge. In the darkness he slipped and fell twenty feet into the Canal. Jeavons was some distance away but heard the splash, and he stripped off his great-coat and dived.