Home World War Two Injured and Missing Soldier – Crow, Bernard – Wounded

Soldier – Crow, Bernard – Wounded

March 1944

South Yorkshire Times, March 4th, 1944


News has been received by Mrs. Crow, 7, Avenue Road, Wath, that her youngest son, Guardsman Bernard Crow, Coldstream Guards, was wounded on February 12th.

A letter from the Guards Record Office does not state in what sector Gdsmn. Crow was serving, but his last letter received by his mother was sent from North Africa, where he had been for some time having fought through the African campaign up to Tunis.  He is 23.  The letter also states that it is not yet known to what hospital he has been admitted.  Gdsmn. Crow is a keen swimmer and cyclist.

Mrs Crow’s eldest son, Arthur, who was also in North Africa on searchlight duty with the R.A. is now serving in Italy.

Both sons have been awarded the Africa Star.