Home The Great War Killed Soldier – Lightly R.F. – Died in German Hospital

Soldier – Lightly R.F. – Died in German Hospital

August 1918

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 24 1918

Sergeant R.F. Lightly
Royal Engineers

Mrs Lightly, Warehouse Road, has received information that her son, Sergeant R.F.  Lightly (Royal Engineers) has died of wounds in hospital at Minden, Germany.

He was reported missing from April 9 and a few weeks after his wife received a postcard from him saying he was a prisoner and wounded.

A week previously she received a letter from Major Clark extending sympathy and bearing testimony to the fine soldiery qualities possessed by her husband. He further said that when last seen Sergeant Lightly was with two sappers and a mixed force of infantry holding out in a strong point and was un wounded.

She has now received an official notification, signed by Doctor Lang, an officer of the line, written in Germany, together with a translation from the War Office, dated April 24, from Minden to the effect that he had died there and would be buried in the cemetery of the prisons camp at Mordaheide.

Previous to enlistment he was a constable in the Borough Police Force at Doncaster.

He leaves a widow and two children. Mrs lightly has had no further news of her other son Lieutenant a likely (East Yorkshires) who has been missing since March 31. She will be grateful for any intelligence of him.

From C.W.G.C.:

Service Number 105178
Died 23/04/1918
Aged 23
229th Field Coy.
Royal Engineers
Husband of Mary E. Hoyland (formerly Lightley), of 204, Carr House Rd., Hyde Park, Doncaster. Doncaster Borough Police Constable.