Home The Great War Killed Soldier – Taylor G.H. – Died of Wounds in France

Soldier – Taylor G.H. – Died of Wounds in France

April 1917

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 21, 1917

Private G H Taylor
(York and Lancaster)

of 64 York Street, West Melton, has died of wounds in a Canadian hospital in France.

He enlisted in November 1914 and went to France in January 1917. Before enlistment he was employed at the Manvers Main Colliery.

His wife has received the following sympathetic letter from Sgt C.W.Bell:

“I am sorry to convey the sad news of your husband’s death. I was his platoon sergeant, and at the time was commanding his platoon. We were between our lines and the Germans on March 10, when he was hit by a piece of bursting shell, which went clean through the top of our shelter and into his head.

I saw him three minutes after. The stretcher bearers were sent for, and, believe me, they did their duty. It was very risky were carrying him across ‘No man’s land,’ but I, with three others, volunteered to take into the dressing station.

God only knows how we were missed by the snipers, but we were fond of your husband, and did not care so long as we got him into safety. I hear that he passed away at Boulogne.”