South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 09 May 1942
Wath Warriors
Mrs. J. T. Humphreys, of 5, Common Lane Wath, send snaps of her six sons and her son in law.
Trooper Bernard Humphreys has served two years in the Tank Corps and is now training new recruits. Before joining the Forces be was a bus driver. He is married, end his home is at Chesterfield.
Edward Humphreys is a gunner in the R.A., and has been in the Forces since September, 1940. Before joining the Forces he worked for Dearne Council. He is married and has one daughter.
Leslie Humphreys was called up on the same day as Edward, and is in a searchlight unit. Before joining up he worked at Stanley’s oil works (Wath). He is married and has one son.
Arthur Humphreys served In India for live years before war broke out and went straight to France on the outbreak of war. He is now a sergeant in the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry.
Jack Humphrey has been in the Forces for two years in the Royal Engineer, and was abroad for eighteen months, but has just come back to England.
Ernest Humphreys is a lance/Corporal in the Royal Engineers, and has been in the Force for two years, spending 18 months in Iceland. He was home at Christmas looking very well, but is hoping to be back in England before long.
The son-In-law. George W. Law, who is just getting used to Army life, was called up In October, 1941. Previously he worked for Simon Carves, Ltd. He is in the Royal Engineers.