Mexborough and Swinton Times December 27, 1919
Wath Baby Case
Police Court Proceedings:
Evelyn Hobson (17), single, of Nash Row, Wath-on-.Dearne, was brought up in custody at the Rotherham West Riding Court on Monday, before Messrs. W. Dyson (in the chair) and R. Allt, charged with concealing the birth of a newly born female child, whose body was recovered from the Dove and Dearne Canal on the 25th November.
Supt. Horton said the prisoner was only arrested on Saturday on this charge. The child was found dead in the Dove and Dearne Canal some few days ago, and an inquest was held there, and a verdict of “Found Dead” was returned.
Enquiries were made, and Inspector Hoyle arrested prisoner at Roman Terrace, Swinton, on Saturday evening, and she then admitted it was her child. The clothing in which the child was wrapped when it was taken from the canal had been identified as belonging to the household at which prisoner was living, He asked for a remand until Tuesday week, in order to enable the police to collect the necessary evidence. He intimated that he did not wish to oppose bail being granted the prisoner.
The magistrates granted bail, accepting the surety of prisoner’s father, Sidney Hobson. of 1 court. 13 house, Doncaster road, Maltby, who was bound over in the sum of £5
The prisoner, an attractive looking girl made no comment during the short time she was in Court, except to say that she had no objection to the remand.