Home People Residents Wath Couple Who Met in Blackpool

Wath Couple Who Met in Blackpool

April 1960

South Yorkshire Times April 9, 1960

Wath Couple Who Met in Blackpool

A Wath couple, 65-years-old Mr. Bert Cane and 67-years-old Mrs. Mary Holmes, who became engaged within three days of meeting in Blackpool last September, are to be married at Wath Parish Church on Easter Saturday.

This delightful couple met by chance when their families arranged a holiday together. Mrs. Holmes, who lives with her son and daughter-in-law at 4, Hall Drive, Wath, told the “South Yorkshire Times this week

Mrs. Holmes, who lives with her son and daughter-in-law e at 4, Hall Drive, Wath told the Yorkshire Times this week was a case of “love, at first sight.” She said they were both lonely and decided they could be happy together.

Mr. Cane “popped the question” and they bought a three stone diamond engagement ring at Blackpool, Mrs. Holmes, who was then housekeeping in Derbyshire, moved in February to live with her son, only a street away from Mr. Cane, who lives at 17, Newfield Crescent, Wath.

After the reception at Strathmore on Saturday, the couple will leave for their honeymoon on the ‘following day. Where ? . . . . to Blackpool; the same boarding house.

The couple are ‘hoping to get a house in Swinton and they plan to join the local Darby and Joan club after their wedding.

Mr. Cane is a bath attendant at Manvers Coke Ovens. He at present lives with his daughter and son-in-law.