Home People Weddings Wedding – Clearey & Sheldon

Wedding – Clearey & Sheldon

April 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 11 April 1942

The wedding took place on Saturday at Wath Parish Church, of Mr. John Sheldon, younger son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheldon, Newburn House, Warren Vale Road, Wath, and Miss Kathleen Clearey, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Clearey, 19. William Street, Wath.

Given away by her father, the bride wore a gown of white lace trimmed with satin with veil and wreath, and carried pink carnations. She was attended by Misses Ivy Clearey and Margaret Green in pink taffeta and blue lace, and Margaret Woodcock and Miriam Wright in blue taffeta and lace. All carried anemones.

Mr. S. Sheldon was best man and Mr. A. Green and Mr. D. Turner were groomsmen.

Among the presents was one of a chiming clock from the staff of Parkgate Iron and Steel Company, where the bride and bridegroom are employed.