Home People Weddings Wedding – Dobson & Robson

Wedding – Dobson & Robson

April 1944

South Yorkshire Times, April 1st, 1944

Wedding – Dobson & Robson

The wedding took place at Wath Parish Church on Saturday of Miss Dorothy Robson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Robson, of 8, Henry Road, Wath, and Mr. Stanley Leach, of 6 Ash Road, Wath.

The bride, who was given away by her father, wore white net, trimmed with satin and head-dress of orange blossom, and veil and wreath, and carried pink carnations.

She was attended by Misses Mary Waddington and Alice Trickett, dressed in blue.  Misses Mavis Harrison and Barbara Hutton, in pink net and head-dresses to tone, and a page, Roy Dakin, in blue velvet.

The bridegroom’s gift to the bridesmaids were prayer books.  Mr. W. Leach was best man and Mr. D. Robson, groomsman.