Home People Weddings Wedding – Royston & Gymer – Wombwell Health Visitor Weds at Brampton

Wedding – Royston & Gymer – Wombwell Health Visitor Weds at Brampton

September 1951

South Yorkshire Times September 8, 1951

Wombwell Health Visitor

Weds at Brampton

Miss Iris Royston, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Royston, “Mill House,” West Melton, looked charming in a turquoise dress with matching bolero and brown acces­sories when she was married at Brampton Parish Church on Satur­day to Mr. John Clark Gymer, only son of Mr. anud Mrs. Bert Gymer, 76, Evelyn Avenue, Intake, Don­caster. The Rev. C. L. Suggit officiated and Mr. H. Lunn was at the organ.

The bride, who carried bronze chrysanthemums, was attended by her sister, Miss Mollie Royston, as chief bridesmaid and by two small attendants, Misses Gillian Birkby and Christine Ingham. The chief bridesmaid wore a grey-blue dress and bolero with black accessories and carried yellow chrysanthemums.

Gillian wore an  blue organdie frock and carried a posy of carna­tions, and Christine wore a white figured silk dress and carried a posy of carnations. Gifts from the bride­groom were a pearl necklace for Miss Royston and tartan Dorothy bags for the young maids. Best man was Mr. Harold Ingham and Mr. Gordon Royston was groomsman. The bride’s mother wore a navy two-piece with pale blue accessories and the bridegroom’s mother wore a clover two-piece with navy accessories.

Hymns sung were “Lead us Heavenly Father” and “O Perfect Love.”