Home Crime Violence West Melton Coming of Age – Wanted To Join The Party.

West Melton Coming of Age – Wanted To Join The Party.

October 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 17 October 1902

West Melton Coming of Age.

Wanted To Join The Party.

Action at County Court.

At the County Court, Rotherham, on Friday last, before Mr. H. T. Waddy, sitting as deputy judge, the circumstances attending a coming of age celebration took place on the 19th of May.

The plaintiff was Alice Harrison, wife of George Harrison, butcher, of West Melton, and she claimed £11s. from John Dawson, miner, of Newhill, for damages for assault committed upon her by the defendant.

Mr. Gichard appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Bradford defended..

On the gate mentioned the eldest son of the plaintiffs husband became of age, , and the event was celebrated by a party at plaintiffs home. Shortly after 11 o’clock at night the defendant, accompanied by a knee Wilkinson, entered the house and asked for drink. They seemed to have had a considerable quantity. The plaintiff, fearing a row if she refused, gave each of them a bottle of beer, but she would not allow them to go into the room where the guest yes were. Afterward. a second bottle of beer was given to them, on their promising to go outside with it. A few minutes after, the defendant returned, and forced his way in by the front door. The plaintiff said “You are not, coming in here again. ‘ He answered, “1 ani coming in to the party.” She tried to hold the door to prevent bins from getting in.

The defendant stepped back, and kicked her in the abdomen, telling her to get out of the way, and using very disgusting language. He hit her over the temple, and knocked her head against the door frame. He also bit her thumb. Then her husband and stepson came to her and the defendant was put out.

The defence was that the plaintiff had invited the defendant Wilkinson to the party, and that no assault took place. The defendant under cross examination, said he could not give a reason why be was not allowed to go into the room where the party were assembled, if he had been invited.

Several witnesses were called, who stated that no assault took place, as they were engaged with the festivities.

His Honour gave judgment for the full amount.