Home Industry and Commerce Mining Yorkshire Coal Strike – Mass Meetings in District

Yorkshire Coal Strike – Mass Meetings in District

August 1919

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 9, 1919

Yorkshire Coal Strike.
No Settlement Yet: Another Attempt Today
Third Week of the Dispute
Mass Meetings in the District

The Yorkshire coal strike, dating from July 16, is awaiting settlement, and there is no certain prospect, at the moment, of a return to work, though the outlook is to be a little brighter.

Last Saturday, after the failure of the negotiations with the West York-owners and a representative of the Ministry of Labour, the Council of the York-Miners’ Association considered the position further and decided to reject the formula issued by the Government on which based a national settlement of the question between the Government and the Miners’ Federation of Great Britain, without the acquiescence of the Yorkshire Association.

At the same time the Council decided to take a ‘mass vote” of the miners on the question of continuing the struggle pending further negotiations, or of accepting the Government formula

Accordingly, between Saturday and Tuesday, mass meetings of miners connected with every branch in the county were held, and some general mass meeting of minds were also addressed by Mr Herbert Smith

In this district, and, it is believed, in the county generally, these mass meeting voted solidly in favour of the policy of the Yorkshire Miners Council, the policy of sitting out.

At the same time there is a great desire on the part of the Yorkshire miners to return to work, and Mr Herbert Smith undertook that he would use his upmost endeavour to secure a speedy and just settlement.

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