July 1937
History – 1. Wath’s Past And Present
Mexborough and Swinton Times July 24, 1937
Wath’s Past And Present
60 Years of Progress
(by “Montgomery”)
It scarcely seems 10 years ago since I took up my...
History – 2. Forward March – Population and Schools
Mexborough and Swinton Times July 24, 1937
Forward March
If 60 years has seen many changes in the life of the “Times” what must it be...
History – 3. Chiefly Agricultural
Chiefly agricultural
While Wath was chiefly an agricultural centre, mining had been in evidence at the Newhill and West Melton Pits, and here a brisk...
History – 4. Religious Activities
Mexborough and Swinton Times July 24, 1937
Religious Activities
Religious activities have also increased by the erection of St James’s Church, Nonconformist churches at Gore Hill...