Home 1957 July 1957

July 1957

Wedding – Collier & Pickerill

July 1957
South Yorkshire Times July 13, 1957 Mr Denis Pickerill, 36 Barnsley Rd, Darfield and Miss Rita Collier of counting houses, West Melton at Brampton Parish Church

Brampton Ellis Modern School Prize Winners

July 1957
South Yorkshire Times July 20, 1957 Some of the students at Brampton Ellis Modern School who received prizes at the School's annual Prizegiving on Monday

Brampton Ellis Modern School Speech Day and Prizegiving

July 1957
South Yorkshire Times July 20, 1957 Admiring Their Prizes are students of Brampton Ellis Modern School at the Speech Day and Prizegiving held at the...

Brampton Ellis School Show

July 1957
South Yorkshire Times July 13, 1957 Busy Grooming Her Corgi, "Iante," before the start of the show at Brampton Ellis School on Friday is Anne...

Rockingham Evening Institute

July 1957
South Yorkshire Times July 13, 1957 The Rockingham Evening Institute Held an exhibition of work at Brampton Ellis School on Friday and here 75 years...