Home 1870 1959


Wath National Infants’ School Party

December 1959
South Yorkshire Times December 19, 1959 Miss F. A. Smith-Chappell is seen with helpers and some of the scholars at Wath National Infants' School party...

Wath St Joseph’s Infants’ School Christmas Party

December 1959
South Yorkshire Times December 19, 1959 Enjoying wonderful things to eat are youngsters at Wath St Joseph’s Infants' School Christmas party on Tuesday.

Old Wathonians 3 Rotherham 3 – Rotherham Magnificent in Old Wathonians...

26 December 1959
South Yorkshire Times December 26, 1959 Rotherham Were Magnificent in Six Point Drawn Rugby Game With Old Wathonians Old Wathonians drew 3-3 with Rotherham at Wath...