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Pupils Caught in Snow Storm   

February 1970

South Yorkshire Times, February 28, 1970

Pupils Caught in Snow Storm   

A party of schoolchildren from Brampton Ellis Secondary School and Mexborough Secondary School, were the guests of Pyrenean villagers recently when they had to stay at a village during a skiing holiday at half-term.

The party were caught in a blizzard while travelling from the airport at Saragossa by coach to the ski resort at Salient.

It was considered too dangerous to continue the journey and the 22 children and six adults stayed the night at a village, two kilometres from the resort. Some of them were put up at an hotel but the remainder were introduced to Spanish life in an unorthodox manner by staying with some of the villagers for the night.

In the morning, the party was able to carry on to the ski resort without further incident.

At the resort, one of the party, a Mexborough schoolboy, John Hessian, won a cup for being the best beginner of the week.

A most enjoyable week was spent and it is possible that they may organise a trip to the resort next year.